(April 29, 2021) On Thursday, a virtual dialogue was organized by the Mass Literacy Campaign, a government initiative, on the theme, “Education Devastated by Covid-19: What type of budget do we want?”
Planning Minister MA Mannan was the chief guest, while Secretary of the Ministry of Secondary and Higher Education Md Mahbub Hossain was the special guest.

Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation Chairman Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad lead the seminar. He said the last budget amid Covid-19 crisis was a traditional one.
Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmad, Professor Emeritus of Brac University Manzoor Ahmed and teachers’ community leader Kazi Faruk spoke at the session.
Mass Literacy Campaign Executive Director Rasheda K Chowdhury, who is also the executive director of Campaign for Popular Education (CAMPE), moderated the event.
At the event, the speakers stated, around 40 million students of 200,000 educational institutions of the country had been affected by the ongoing pandemic.
One of the speakers pointed out that due to the pandemic the rate of child marriage and unrest among families had increased.
It was also mentioned that though the government had introduced classes through TV, radio and other online sources to compensate for classroom education, many had lagged behind as it had not been possible to reach all levels of society.
Despite government teachers and employees getting regular salaries during the pandemic, teachers and staff of non-MPO educational institutions were living a dehumanized life without salaries and allowances, remarked speakers.
- https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/education/2021/04/29/experts-demand-that-20-of-the-budget-be-spent-on-education
- https://www.thedailystar.net/city/news/dont-deprioritise-education-2086209
- https://www.prothomalo.com/education/higher-education/শিক্ষায়-২০-শতাংশ-বরাদ্দের-দাবি-গণসাক্ষরতা-অভিযানের
- https://www.deshrupantor.com/news-print/2021/04/30/290450
- https://www.jugantor.com/todays-paper/first-page/416887/শিক্ষাবর্ষ-৬-মাস-বৃদ্ধির-প্রস্তাব
- https://www.banglatribune.com/678539/গ্রামভিত্তিক-শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান-খোলার-পরিকল্পনা
- https://www.jagonews24.com/education/news/663052
- https://thedailycampus.com/national/67432/শিক্ষা-খাতে-জাতীয়-বাজেটের-২০-শতাংশ-বরাদ্দের-প্রস্তাব
- https://www.banglanews24.com/education/news/bd/854979.details
- http://www.kholakagojbd.com/prints/76170
- https://www.dainikshiksha.com/গ্রামভিত্তিক-শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠান-খোলার-চিন্তা/207939/
- https://www.bd-pratidin.com/first-page/2021/04/29/644327
- http://www.dainikamadershomoy.com/post/313619
- https://teachers.gov.bd/blog-details/600051
- https://teachers.gov.bd/blog-details/600051
- https://sharebiz.net/বাজেটের-২০-শিক্ষায়-বরাদ/
- https://www.rtvonline.com/others/education/128941/গ্রামের-স্কুল-আগে-খোলার-ভাবনা
- https://banglanewzz.com/archives/19209